PPPimp Dark Triad: Power & Money Writ by Oregonleatherboy aka Jesse Lee





Dark Triad: 
Power & Money

Writ by Oregonleatherboy aka Jesse Lee 

Alpha men use money for power. They are not afraid to spend their money on expensive items and they are not afraid to show off their wealth.

The alpha male is a man who has the qualities of a leader, such as:

  •  confidence

  • intelligence

  •  and charisma. 

He is also usually wealthy and powerful because money allows more flexibility in gaining power.  Another way financially firm folks exert power with monetary means is through payoff or blackmail.  The ability to buy people off allows for illegal precarious behavior to be silenced.  

Leather Papa Muscle Master Of Manipulation Created by Oregonleatherboy

The social hierarchy is one where gaining top level involves coercion or altruistic behavior. The only characteristic a person can have to go straight to the top of the hierarchy is wealth or prestige. 

Dark Triad traits are known for their manipulative tendencies and desire for power and control over others. Money is often used as a tool by individuals with the Dark Triad to achieve their goals.

Machiavellian individuals are known for their ability to manipulate others to achieve their own goals. They are willing to use any means necessary to achieve their objectives, including:

  •  lying

  • cheating

  • and manipulation.

Leather Papa Muscle Master Of Manipulation Created by Oregonleatherboy

Money is a powerful tool that can be used to influence others and gain power. Machiavellian individuals may use money to:

  •  bribe others

  •  buy influence

  •  or gain access to resources that will help them achieve their goals.

Leather Papa Muscle Master Of Manipulation Created by Oregonleatherboy

Narcissistic individuals have an inflated sense of self-importance and believe they are entitled to special treatment. They often use money as a way to demonstrate their wealth and status to others. Narcissistic individuals may use money to buy expensive cars, clothes, or other luxury items in an attempt to impress others and gain admiration. They may also use money as a way to control others by offering gifts or financial support in exchange for loyalty or obedience.

money is a powerful tool that can be used to achieve their goals.

Leather Papa Muscle Master Of Manipulation Created by Oregonleatherboy

. Money is a powerful tool that can be used to manipulate and control others. 

Psychopathic individuals may use money as a way to lure others into dangerous or risky situations, such as offering financial incentives for illegal activities or risky investments. They may also use money as a way to gain power over others by buying their loyalty or using financial leverage to force compliance.

Psychopathic individuals lack empathy a

In conclusion, individuals with the Dark Triad personality traits often use money as a tool for power and manipulation of others. 

Whether it is through:

  •  bribery

  • buying influence

  • demonstrating wealth 

  •  status

  •  or exploiting others for personal gain

Dark Triad:  Power & Money Writ by Oregonleatherboy aka Jesse Lee

Authoritative Reference 

"The Dark Triad of Personality: Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and Psychopathy" by Delroy L. Paulhus and Kevin M. Williams

"The Machiavellian Mindset: How to Master the Art of Manipulation, Deception, and Power" by Nick Trenton

 "The Psychopath TestJourney Through the Madness Industry" by Jon Ronson