Feral Humans Writ by Jesse Lee aka Oregonleatherboy





Feral Humans

Writ by Jesse Lee aka Oregonleatherboy 

Yes, humans can turn feral. Feral humans are individuals who have lived isolated from human society for a prolonged period of time, and as a result, have lost their ability to communicate and behave like humans.

Feral humans are often the result of extreme neglect or abuse in childhood, where they may have been abandoned or raised by animals. Without human interaction and socialization, these individuals can develop animalistic behaviors such as:

walking on all fours

communicating through grunts and howls

 and exhibiting aggressive 

or violent behavior towards other humans.

Bald cigar smoking leather jacket wearing Master choking a blindfolded man in smoke clouds SmokePimp created by Oregonleatherboy

It is important to note that while cases of feral humans do exist, they are extremely rare. Human beings are social creatures by nature and require social interaction for healthy development. In most cases of neglect or abuse, children will still retain some level of human behavior and communication skills.

Humans turning feral is a rare phenomenon that occurs when individuals or groups of people lose their social and cultural norms and revert to a more primitive, animalistic state. This can happen due to various reasons such as isolation from:



 mental illness

 or living in extreme conditions. 

The concept of feral humans has been explored in literature, movies, and documentaries, but there are only a few documented cases of it happening in real life.

One of the most famous cases of humans turning feral is that of Genie Wiley. In 1970, Genie was found in Los Angeles at the age of 13. She had been locked up in a room for most of her life and had little to no human interaction. As a result, she could not speak, walk properly, or understand social cues. Her case became famous as scientists studied her to understand how isolation affects human development.

Another case is that of Victor of Aveyron, who was discovered in France in 1797. Victor was around 12 years old and had lived in the wild for several years before being captured. He could not speak or understand language and exhibited animalistic behavior such as walking on all fours and eating raw meat. Despite attempts to rehabilitate him, Victor never fully integrated into society.

Design tri-kaleidoscope Bald cigar smoking leather jacket wearing Master choking a blindfolded man in smoke clouds SmokePimp created by Oregonleatherboy

In recent times, there have been reports of children being raised by animals such as monkeys or dogs and exhibiting feral behavior. However, these cases are often met with skepticism as they lack concrete evidence.

It's important to note that while cases like Genie and Victor show extreme examples of humans turning feral, they are not representative of the vast majority of people who experience trauma or isolation. Most individuals who face such circumstances do not become feral but instead develop coping mechanisms to deal with their situation.

In conclusion, while there are documented cases of humans turning feral like Genie Wiley and Victor of Aveyron, it is a rare phenomenon that occurs due to extreme circumstances. It's important to approach these cases with sensitivity and understand that they are not representative of the majority of people who experience trauma or isolation.

Bald cigar smoking leather jacket wearing Master choking a blindfolded man in smoke clouds SmokePimp created by Oregonleatherboy Qad-kaliedoscope 3/3